Finishings create & measure tool

for Archicad

EasyFINISH for Archicad

Buy now EasyFINISH for Archicad 26, 27 and 28

All ARCHICAD versions,
For a time period.

Compatible with Archicad 26, 27, 28 and future versions.

Cod. Product Duration (Days) Price *
30D 30 50,00 € -
90D 90 110,00 € 30%
180D 180 170,00 € 45%
360D 360 200,00 € 66%

* Approximate value in relation to the 30-day price.

Please Note: Final pricing may differ according to applicable taxes in your country.

For ARCHICAD 26 to 28.

Compatible with Archicad 26, 27, and 28.

Cod. Product Duration (Days)Price
AC_FULL28 no time limit250,00 €

Please Note: Final pricing may differ according to applicable taxes in your country.

Please select below the type of license that you wish to purchase.

SKU EasyFINISH Category

One EasyFINISH license will be associated with one Archicad license.

In case of Hardware or Software Archicad licenses, the EasyFINISH license will be associated with those license codes.

In case of cloud licenses, one EasyFINISH license will be associated with a graphisoft user ID code.

The EasyFINISH license will be associated with one Archicad license.

Please find out how to identify your license code by contacting your local reseller, your company license manager, or learn in our FAQ section below how to identify your Archicad license code with the EasyFINISH library.

Cant find your Archicad License code?

You may find your Graphisoft ID user code on the profile page of your GraphisoftID account in  https://id.graphisoft.com.

Cloud License

The serial code of the Archicad license(s) can be obtained from the LMT-License Manager Tool application or from your user’s license management page on the Graphisoft portal.

Eg: [ SW1234567890 ]  or [ 2-14345686 ]

Hardware or Software license

What is my Archicad License code

Frequently Asked Questions

EasyFINISH is a lightweight library for Archicad, compatible with versions 26 to 28.

As a library, it doesn’t require installation like add-ons, making it easy to share and ensuring compatibility with future Archicad versions.

After licensing, simply load the library file as you would with any other project to use it.

EasyFINISH is currently at version 1.15. If you are using an older version and wish to update, just contact us for the upgrade.

Note: Version compatibility isn’t guaranteed, so it’s better to start new projects with the latest version rather than updating mid-project.

Yes. Although EasyFINISH is a library, the area measured by an EasyFINISH object can be accessed in Archicad’s Property formulas.

Archicad only allows access to two object parameters: Length and Height. EasyFINISH returns the measured area in the Length parameter and the thickness of the finish in the Height parameter.

Therefore, EasyFINISH uses the Width parameter to return the measured area and the Height parameter to return the coating thickness.

Note: To obtain the area in square meters, multiply the Length parameter by 1 m², as follows: [Length * 1 m²].

Yes. EasyFINISH allows adjustments to the visibility of all objects via Model View Options under the Document menu in Archicad.

Yes, each EasyFINISH license will be associated with a single Archicad license.

If you use an Archicad license on more than one computer, you can install the corresponding EasyFINISH license on all computers where you use the Archicad license.

Presently, EasyFINISH works only with Archicad commercial licenses (any type of commercial license)

Yes, a EasyFINISH license can be used on any computer where the associated Archicad license is available.

You can install the EasyFINISH license file on as many computers as you want. Once the availability of the corresponding Archicad license is detected, the library will become fully functional.

Once issued, an EasyFINISH can not be changed.

Of course! Simply contact us and request a trial license.

We will issue a Trial licence that will allow you to try all the EasyFINISH functions for 10 days.

No, at the end of the trial version or license period, all created finishes will remain in the model with the assigned characteristics and information.

However, you will not be able to modify them.

No, as long as you place the valid license file in the designated folder, the library will resume all editing functionalities without the need for further actions.

Any EasyFINISH license file (LicenseAgreement) sent along with the library must be placed inside the folder corresponding to the Archicad version in which the library is intended to be used.

This folder is located within the Archicad Data Folder, which in turn is inside the Graphisoft folder. [e.g., Graphisoft >> Archicad Data Folder >> Archicad 27.0.0 INT R1]
To easily locate the Graphisoft folder, please follow these steps:

  1. Within Archicad open the following menu: Options>> Work Environment>> Special Folders.. [Options>>Work Environment>>Special Folders… ]
  2. COPY the first path listed in the Special Folders window (temporary folder path).
  3. In File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac), PASTE this path and press ENTER (or click the magnifying glass icon).
  4. The Graphisoft folder containing the Archicad Data Folder should appear.
  5. Inside the Archicad Data Folder, you will find a folder named after each installed version of Archicad. [e.g., Archicad 28.0.0 INT R1]
  6. The license file must be placed inside the folder of the version in which EasyFINISH will be used (or inside all folders, if you want to use EasyFINISH in all installed versions of Archicad).

All done! As soon as the license file is inside this folder, EasyFINISH should be fully working.

In the Archicad version folder where you placed the EasyFINISH license, locate a file named `EF_license_name`. Delete this file, then reopen Archicad. EasyFINISH should now recognize the license.